Milton Ruben Toyota

Jan 14, 2015

Everyone has seen the viral advertisements from Toyota about the new 2015 “Swagger Wagon.”  We have all laughed at the truth in the ad about parenthood and being “cool” enough to embarrass your kids sufficiently, partying hard until 9pm, and sneaking sips of apple juice from the toddler’s sippy cup.  Let’s be honest, we love those ads.  It has been connecting parents everywhere to the beautiful chaos that is having kids, commiserating in the joyful, crazy lives we lead day in and day out, so much so that finding the humor in it is just as beautiful as your kid saying “I love you,” through choking sobs while you’re trying to scrub a mystery substance scented with banana and mud off of their face.  “Messy but great,” right?

Well, the 2015 Toyota Sienna acknowledges the messiness of parenthood, and offers you a sweet window of hope in the form of a minivan that is anything but a compromise.  Allow us to elaborate in these 15 things we love about the new 2015 Toyota Sienna!



Driver Easy Speak

The Sienna sees your screaming and raises you a speaker system that will transfer your voice to the rear seat.  By touching a button on the screen of the new dash, you can project your voice through the speaker system to your passengers, helping you maintain control of your adorable hooligans!



Smart Key System

Who hasn’t had that moment of baby on the hip, purse on your shoulder, and key that has sunk to the bottom of the diaper bag in pouring down rain and frigid winds?  You no longer have to dig around in the diaper bag with your one free hand and miraculously juggle child, purse, and bag around to open the door and lock baby into the car seat.  You can just touch the door, and the vehicle will sense the proximity of the key, and unlock for you.  I’m pretty sure a mom of two toddlers thought up this one!


Sliding Center Console

Speaking of toddlers… as they outgrow those car seats, and their hands are still only so big, spills in the car are an accepted reality of parenthood.  But we can minimize those spills with an extended sliding center console, putting cup holders within reach of those little hands.



Dual View Blu Ray

No more arguments over Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Frozen on the next long holiday drive – you can have both in the 2015 Toyota Sienna XLE Premium with the Dual Screen on the Blu Ray.  It even comes with head phones so you can rock out to Kenny G (just kidding) and don’t have to hear Let It Go for the fifty millionth time.


Recline and Relax

Again, as the kids get older – there are advantages.  Teen driver can help with the road trip while you kick back, prop your tired feet up on the ottoman (yes, ottoman), recline a tad bit, and take a nice snoozer in the 2015 Toyota Sienna Limited.  Toyotas are a long-term investment, so let’s think long-term!


Easy Access

Kids climbing around on your upholstery  in their dirty shoes are a thing of the past – finally!  Second row seating slides all the way forward, with backs of the chairs closing in for easier access to third row seating.



Power Lift Gate

Another battle of arms full vs. access won!  Your smart key has a button, the lift gate has a button, your driver’s seat has a button – there are multiple ways to conquer  the “You forgot to close the trunk!” debacle with the Power Lift Gate!






Split N’ Stow Seating

I remember as a kid, watching Dad haul the seats out of the back of our minivan before a ski trip.  Those things looked heavy, and we always ended up with the seats in our dining room for a few days until Dad regained the strength to reinstall the suckers.  No worries for my generation of parents! Not only do our minivans have a bucket in the rear to store third row seats, but several trim levels even have electronic buttons – no hauling necessary!



Convertible Cargo

With those seats stowed in their buckets, you can convert 39 cubic feet of storage into up to 150 cubic feet of cargo area.


Soft Touch Leather

That sticky squeaking is soooo last decade! Our soft touch leather offers the luxury of leather with the comfort of quality fabric. (And I hear it’s easy to clean to boot!)



Available Dual Moonroof

Be it for a little extra light for Abbey to teach Aiden how to read, or to watch the stars as they fall asleep, the dual moonroof is a luxury we love in the new Sienna!



Seats Up To 8

With convertible seating and an extra option to insert a center seat on the second row, there’s no way you can’t take on the U-8 soccer team’s spontaneous victory pizza lunch!


Toyota Care

There is so much that can be said for Toyota Care, that we could go on all day.  But the basics is that Toyota is here to take care of you, with a warranty and service coverage that covers the first two years of your new Sienna!


New Wraparound Dash

By far our favorite new feature in the new 2015 Toyota Sienna is the dash.  Designed with safety in mind, Toyota created an easy one touch system, and re-organized it to be closer to the driver, easier to reach, and thus easier for you to stay focused on the road.




Safety Features

With 8 standard airbags (up to 12), a 24/7 emergency response center called Safety Connect, Dynamic Radar Cruise Control, standard back up camera, blind spot monitoring, parking assist, and so much more, the 2015 Toyota Sienna is built to get you and your family from Place A to Place B as efficiently and as safely as possible.



The 2015 Toyota Sienna “Swagger Wagon” truly is the minivan that doesn’t compromise, for those who live lives all about compromise.  Live a little, gain some swagger, and check out the new 2015 Toyota Sienna at


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Post, Photos, GIFs, and Graphics by Milton Ruben Social Media Specialist Heather Cortright.